artem_bachun avatar.



Индивидуальные тренировки Минск

MMA professional fighter 9:0:0 🥇European pankration championship 🥈World grappling championship 🥉European IMMAF championship

Photo of profile artem_bachun - DFaIiWRojnEPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DFGRVU2IhnhPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DEhICDqocuYPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DENDI4wISw1Photo of profile artem_bachun - DEFSJt-o4cXPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DECwXF7NnI_Photo of profile artem_bachun - DD-BuxeIDMhPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DD6lGPSo5JAPhoto of profile artem_bachun - DAGHwuboKgEPhoto of profile artem_bachun - C-khB1Com4JPhoto of profile artem_bachun - C-SYMZ_Is-NPhoto of profile artem_bachun - C94Tr6VoYxs
Индивидуальные тренировки Минск - Simpfind