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веганское кафе полезного питания "Сельский дом" | Минск

🌱VEGAN • правильное питание на каждый день • пр-т Независимости, 52 • вс-чт: 10.00-20.00, пт: 10.00-15.00 сб: выходной🫶 📞+375297265252

Photo of profile countryhomefood - DDtiE3Lo0HtPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DDUHtdSITMdPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DCmCjdrI8mMPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DCMfvajI4o6Photo of profile countryhomefood - DB0_b_rIRbmPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DBeTdmPoN8MPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DBJqvrVtwblPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DA3nvNRNYLqPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DAlizIsOXvXPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DASlWr5OZXmPhoto of profile countryhomefood - DAD6VRjNwlKPhoto of profile countryhomefood - C_3G0R3N_tQ