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Пиано Бар Минск

▪️Самый музыкальный караоке-бар города М ▪️Свой оркестр и чарующая атмосфера ▫️Пн-Вскр 17:00-05:00 📱+375296887070

Photo of profile pianobar.minsk - DFscQgnsLCWPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DFmvz8_s1UwPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DFDMTCFsgQoPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DE2JPPfMMHxPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DE0AGO9shwSPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DErpxADMxbSPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DEaCYCNsvwsPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DEUchYxMAvxPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DEPH8EXMu3fPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DEM8BhSod4VPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DEH8eZ0s8PtPhoto of profile pianobar.minsk - DD_rf18sIQz