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"The View" панорамный ресторан Минск

Самый высокий ресторан в Беларуси - 28 этаж 🫶 📞Бронирование +375 (44) 702-88-88 📍Работаем 11:00-23:30 (пн-вск) 📍Завтраки 11:00-14:00|Обед 14:00-16:00

Photo of profile theview_restaurant - DFvEs_6MYGlPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DFdEFdkM3dqPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DFXhgIvsC5YPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DFSoWEJM2DXPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DFNwMSTM4dKPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DEKmLTjsGecPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DDuas1EsA4vPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DDWsJcRszzCPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DCrGf6mqbrsPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DCjPAmtq66kPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DCRB602KrPkPhoto of profile theview_restaurant - DCCMk3AKR2N