wedding_martuyshevskaya avatar.



Организация праздников ♡ Минск

«Свадебное агентство Ирины Мартюшевской» ⠀ Мы создаём не просто свадьбы, а что-то большее! ⠀ С любовью к совершенству и во имя ЛЮБВИ 🤍

Photo of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - Cik8Tu2oaQDPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CgdisRdIK6uPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CeReyZpICycPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CZZYrHlITopPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CYZMFhjo3rWPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CYHjxlyIjQ5Photo of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CYE5DE6IJlUPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CWt1NnUopYGPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CWtE-xIoT6SPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CWn-k-GostKPhoto of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CWlM6QtI5Y2Photo of profile wedding_martuyshevskaya - CWdmTPboav8