druzya_beach avatar.



Пляж «Друзья» и ресторан «Venner» Минск

Режим работы: Пт 12.00-23.00 Сб и воскр 11.00-23.00

Photo of profile druzya_beach - DFr_gNcOH5BPhoto of profile druzya_beach - C400D2YN7bqPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DDopZb2uNTdPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DDjB4sbtDKBPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DCTrzghuDNZPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DB_ibVqtHvPPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DB0sX-IObDTPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DBym0VpIZILPhoto of profile druzya_beach - DAF3Ox2uvilPhoto of profile druzya_beach - C_2nJBauQwsPhoto of profile druzya_beach - C_AgpqvuM79Photo of profile druzya_beach - C-2UdsyNf1A