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Salt bistro | Ресторан | Минск

Ресторан современной европейской кухни в сердце Минска Пн-Чт 12:00-23:00 Пт 12:00-24:00 Сб 10:00-24:00 Вс 10:00-23:00

Photo of profile salt.minsk - DFLNcY6tiDnPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DEpGim-N2WePhoto of profile salt.minsk - DBebnCiOOzEPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DFsQcFSoLMdPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DFVe8xWNPsFPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DE9skCBOFEwPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DEPLm28OH1jPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DD7TH1YNIdPPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DDw47xzyV33Photo of profile salt.minsk - DDrXBeeNCe4Photo of profile salt.minsk - DDRcytEO-FsPhoto of profile salt.minsk - DDJZpUhttCh