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Simple cafe • ЖК Левада • кафе Минск

еда, вино и specialty кофе место для встреч, работы, вдохновения 🕙 пн-вс 10:00-21:00 📞 бронь столов: +375291315835

Photo of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFryy3FN19cPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFhWN0pNnEZPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFaAc4-NLTxPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFPUlFzNjrAPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFK7IWRtBt8Photo of profile simplecafe.minsk - DFHfXDptYtzPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DE9g0slNOA_Photo of profile simplecafe.minsk - DE1fyyxtg31Photo of profile simplecafe.minsk - DExUW7FNmrnPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DEhrzeMNMgNPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DEbsHisNj0cPhoto of profile simplecafe.minsk - DEWlTfitc2P