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Пилатес на реформерах • Массаж • Минск

▫️-20% на первое занятие ▫️индивидуальные и сплит занятия с проф. инструкторами ▫️для любой физической подготовки ▫️консультация и запись в директе

Photo of profile wellness_format_minsk - C9zcCunutFcPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DAESI5TtoTmPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - C963LLTulD6Photo of profile wellness_format_minsk - DFncakBIBQ8Photo of profile wellness_format_minsk - DFdNO_yooohPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DFP_0NAoiubPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DFLI1mWoxaIPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DE970A_o9MWPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DE4jhveoGCZPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DEqFOh6oIPtPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DEX63dUo1qSPhoto of profile wellness_format_minsk - DEHkyceIJM4